onsdag 30 maj 2012

Jambo !

Here we go, we are back; updating the blog twice a day. I am supposed to be doing other stuff but hey a promise is a promise.
Whats happening? Yeah, its a food party in our place in Sollentuna, actually the outskirt of Sollentuna.I just woke up from my evevning nap. This is the life i really missed, waking up early, taking a walk in the beautiful parks of Sollentuna drive around and shop a bit, lunch, evening nap, chatting with my friend`s kids..midnight movies, more talks and then retire to bed....to be continued...

Back to the world! Charles Tailor gets 50 years in prison for aiding war crimes in Sierra Leone, kudos to justice. Imagine if all war criminals were taken here and faced the destiny of this monster. Bush, Blair and  former American leaders who declared war on stable countries. The sad part is the west established the so called International Justice Court with the purpose of dealing with war crimes, but the US has not agreed to this, so i hope everyone sees the irony here. This leaves a bad test in the mouth of those who think Charles tailor has been dealth with in accordance with justice..I say NO, Charles Tailor is a criminal, but the court is a joke. It is a court for the west and by the west...

The European championsship is here, scary scenes about racism is trending on the media..OH dear! where is the UEFA? well, UEFA might want to prove all those racists that we are all human, but i think this is a bad lesson fro anyone involved. They should have tried when we have  a black or an Asian  president in Europe at least, because racism is still ripe in Europe.

Back to Sweden, some morons wired up by some media groups, then sent them to mosques to get the opinion of `muslims`on women. In Sweden we had over 14000 cases of reported domestic violence against women (2003), over 40,000 cases of abortion, latest eating disorders deaths shows that there are 13 deaths in Sweden, at 7th position.US is  leading the chart with 214 deaths....
My question is, with this kind of statistics, I dont understand why people are concerned about what the imams say, don`t they instead focus on the bigger picture. As a muslim, i see this as a way to build a bad reputation against Islam.If one needs to learn about Islam, please refer to The koran!

Ok guys! (guys means both men and women in an american expresssion) ...

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